For example, Jython's raise statement is the same as the Java language's throw statement. 例如,Jython的raise语句与Java语言的throw语句是相同的。
But this new language did not mean the committee had made up its mind when to raise rates the statement added. 但声明补充称,这种新措辞并不意味着FOMC已就何时加息下定决心。
In recent days, some areas have been affected by rumours that have sparked intensive buying of salt, and some lawless merchants have leapt at the opportunity to raise prices, said the NDRC in an emailed statement. 部分地方受谣言影响,引发食用盐集中购买现象,一些不法经销商乘机哄抬价格,发改委在以电子邮件发送的声明中称。
The Singaporeans say they will not raise their bid, a statement that pushed the share price down 13 per cent last Thursday. 新加坡方面表示,他们不会提高报价。该声明导致东航股价上周四大跌13%。
If needs be, raise your question to statement ratio, to ensure you get to the heart of what they are trying to say. 如果有必要,问个问题,确保你明白对方讲话的实质。
The government decided to raise Bromo's danger level after it started shooting ash into the air, the Ministry of Mines and Energy said in a statement. 在火山开始向空中喷射火山灰后,政府决定提高婆罗摩火山的危险级别,能源和矿业部在一份声明中说。
Bankers in Asia said that companies seeking to raise their profile in China would more strongly consider a Shanghai listing, while those who wanted to make a statement about their regional aspirations were likely to opt for Hong Kong. 亚洲的银行家表示,那些希望提高在华知名度的公司会倾向于在上海上市,而那些想要表明自己在亚洲地区雄心的公司,则更有可能选择香港。
For business rule violations, your code could raise a specific error number and then the On Error Goto statement could catch the error and display a user-friendly message. 但对于违反业务规范的错误,OnErrorGoto就不能很好的捕捉并可能因此造成巨大的错误后还返回一个友好的界面。
But with the economic development and financial creatives, statement users raise the higher request to the quantity of accounting statement, the historic cost measurement attribute that provides stronger but weaker information in relativity cannot satisfy the decision demand for information users. 但随着经济的发展和金融创新,报表使用者对会计报表质量提出了更高的要求,历史成本计量下提供的可靠性较强而相关性较弱的信息不能满足信息使用者的决策需要。